Campus parking updates: Lot paving, pay-by-phone and more

If you park on campus, you may have noticed some changes to Western’s Parking Services operations:

Service counter changes locations: On March 1 , Parking Services relocated its customer service counter to the more centrally located Student Business Office in Old Main. Customer service for visitors, guests and vendors continues to be available in the Campus Services building, located on Bill McDonald Parkway. At the same time, Western improved its online Parking Portal to enhance the convenience of self service.

Pay station upgrades: Another improvement completed early spring is the upgrade to the parking lot pay stations. You may have noticed nearly all pay stations have been upgraded to the latest technology, including some solar powered stations. The final stations will be upgraded in conjunction with a resurfacing project this summer. These pay stations will allow for needed flexibility in our parking options.

Physical permits no longer required: Western will be implementing License Enabled Parking across campus beginning June 20. Parking on campus will no longer require a permit to be displayed in your vehicle, your license plate will be your permit to park. It is important to update your vehicle license plate in Western’s online parking system, if your plate number is inaccurate in the system, your permit will not be valid for your vehicle. Please see the license plate update instructions on the Parking website here.

Pay-by-phone option is coming: Along with licensed enabled parking, Western will be launching a pay-by-cell alternative to purchase short term parking permits, like 1-hour and daily permits. Thru the use of the ParkMobile app, parkers will experience a payment process that is faster, easier and much more convenient. This transition to upgraded pay stations and the mobile app will allow Western to move away from coin operated meters and the maintenance expense associated with them. The mobile app provides immense added value to the customer, please visit our website here to review the details.

Lot paving begins after commencement: On June 13 , the long-anticipated parking lot resurfacing will begin. A summer long project to upgrade and resurface many of the parking lots on campus will enhance the parking experience for the Western community and reduce future maintenance expenses for years to come. If you currently have a permit to park in one of the lots scheduled for upgrading, you will be contacted directly with relocation options to minimize the inconvenience as this project is completed. Western encourages parkers to utilize the Lincoln Creek Transportation Center as an alternative to parking on campus during this time. Please visit our website for more details on the parking lot upgrade project and parking alternatives.

Things you need to do:

Questions? Check out the Parking Services website or call 360-650-2945.