Can you request your own live scan


$87 + Live Scan Site Fee

5. Check Status of Your Live Scan: After completing the Live Scan, you can check on the status by visiting . Please note, to check on the status you must have your ATI number and your date of birth. To avoid longer wait times, only contact the Bureau if the DOJ's website states "California/FBI responses were sent to the agency," but you have not yet received your license in the mail.

Fingerprint Hard Cards

If you live outside of California and cannot access a Live Scan site in this State, you need to complete your criminal history background check using the hard card fingerprint method. As the submitted hard cards are manually reviewed by FBI and DOJ staff, the minimum processing time is 8-12 weeks. Follow the steps below to complete the hard card fingerprint method:

1. Locate a law enforcement agency (LEA) to complete fingerprint hard cards: Contact your local police or Sheriff's Department to inquire about having your fingerprints rolled.

2. Complete TWO fingerprint hard cards (FD-258): Applicants must submit two hard cards to the Bureau- one for the FBI and one for the DOJ. Complete the following fields:

Fingerprint Hard Card Codes

Required Field


(to be written on hard card)