Students may use the form at the bottom of this page to declare or change a major in Business. This form is not to be used if you are trying to declare Pre-business. Please go to this site in order to declare Pre-business.
We are happy that you are progressing towards a degree in Business! Keep in mind that current Pre-business students must meet minimum requirements. Please see the checklist before filling out the application form to make sure you qualify. If all looks good, please fill out the form. You will be notified by email.
The catalog year for your degree plan is the catalog year when you started at UH, or based on the transfer coursework you have taken and when you started at a Texas public two- or four-year institution with continuous enrollment. If there are changes to requirements for the B.B.A. (the program) and/or your major (the plan), your requirements will default to the B.B.A. program and major plan requirements in effect for the semester/year that you declare a specific major plan in business or add a second major plan. If that change impacts B.B.A. program requirements by adding hours to the degree to the program at the time you started and you meet the guidelines below, consult your major-specific Advisor to petition for approval for waivers with substitution of the following: Calculus for an Advanced Elective (Fall 2018 and Fall 2019 plans) and COMM 1FOS for MARK 3337 (Fall 2018 plan); however, note that MARK 3337 is required of Marketing majors regardless of plan. For questions about which catalog year for your degree plan you should follow, consult with your Academic Advisor.
If you meet these requirements, you are ready to submit! If you reach an error when submitting your application or have any questions, please contact your advisor.