Pursuant to section 23(1) of the Fair Trading Act 2023 (FTA), there is a presumption to be able to carry on business in Gibraltar, subject to obtaining the required licence.
In accordance with the provision of the FTA, applications for a business licence are made directly to the OFT. The OFT shall grant the applicant a licence subject to:
Applications for a new business licence can be submitted:
You must make an application to the OFT in order to:
Application to alter an existing business licence can be submitted using either Business Licence Transfer / Change Conditions Online Form or the Business Licence Extension Online Form.
If you submit an application using HM Government of Gibraltar’s eServices platform then all communication with the OFT will be carried out through that platform and there is no need to communicate with the OFT in another manner unless requested to do so.
If you are submitting an application using application forms BL1 or BL2, you can submit these:
All applications require supporting documentation. The documentation required will depend on the nature of the application being made. Below are checklists of all the supporting documentation required for each of the different types of application:
Pursuant to section 53(7) FTA, all applications shall be supported by such documentation and information as the OFT may reasonably require, and the OFT may defer consideration of any application until it has received all the documentation and information that it has reasonably requested.
The OFT shall within five working days of receipt of an application in compliance with the provisions of the FTA:
give notice of the application to the public on the OFT’s website.
The period of five working days shall start to run when the OFT has received:
The notice allows the public to make objections to the application.
For relevant fees please see below.
The public is able to view notices for applications on the OFT’s website. Any person who wishes to object to the issue of a licence may give notice of his objection on the website.
Pursuant to section 55 FTA, an objection of an application shall only be considered by the OFT if:
In addition, pursuant to section 55(1)(a), notice of the objection must also be given within five working days from the date of the notice is published to the applicant for the licence. This must be arranged by the objector directly using the details in the notice. The OFT may require the objector to demonstrate that this has been done within the time prescribed. Objector’s are therefore strongly recommended to keep record of the manner in which the notice has been served to the applicant
Pursuant to section 55(2)(a) FTA, the following are acceptable grounds of objection in relation to a business licence application:
“Specified Business”, as defined in section 28(2) to the FTA, means a business or activity which involves one or more of the following–
The following fees are applicable in respect of business licence matters as from 1st October 2023 pursuant to the Fair Trading (Fees) Regulations 2023:
Description of fee
Amount of fee
1. On the issue of a new licence:
(i) for a single business class (trade or service);
(ii) for a trade business class and a service business class;
subject to the deduction of fees already paid in obtaining provisional approval for that licence.
2. On the issuance of a licence or renewal of a licence to carry on any of the businesses referred to in sub-section 30 (1) (for business regualted by the OFT from a money laundering and financing of terrorism perspective)
3. On the extension of a licence by adding another business class or other activities to an existing licence.
4. On the renewal of an existing licence with:
(i) a single business class (trade or service);
(ii) a trade and service business class.
5. On the provisional approval for the grant of a new licence.
6. On the issue of a temporary licence.
7. On the issue of an occasional licence
8. On the transfer of a licence to another person.
9. On the transfer of a licence to another premises.
10. On the removal or alteration of licence conditions.
11.On the issue of a duplicate licence.
12.On the filing of an objection to an application:
(i) for a new licence;
(ii) for an extension to an existing licence;
(iii) for a transfer of a licence to another person;
(iv) for a transfer of a licence to another premises.
13. On the registration of a business pursuant to sub-section 25 (3) (For cottage indistires, artisans and service porviders with an anual turnover below £20,000).